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Text File  |  1999-03-13  |  89KB  |  2,240 lines

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  47.               ' at Swimming Elk Software any time '
  49.               'with problems, complaints, or observations relating to your copy' +
  50.               ' of Stella 2000. '
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  53.               'No need to launch your mail software  -  the facilities are righ' +
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  56.               'few buttons, and support, feedback, or your FREE Stella extensio' +
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  60.               'formed, download the latest '
  61.             'update, or reserve your very own unique copy of Stella 2000. '
  62.             ''
  64.               'If you fill in our questionnaire today, or persuade a friend to ' +
  65.               'register Stella 2000, you will be in line for '
  67.               'immediate receipt of the 10000-star Hipparcos bonus extension da' +
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  69.             'displayed on the FREE gifts page.'
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  73.               'company philosophy: Service Must '
  75.               'Take Precedence (SMTP). It is only through listening to each use' +
  76.               'r that Stella will continue to maintain '
  77.             'its reputation and popularity. And '#39'each user'#39' means you.'
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  80.               'So explore these pages, and if ever you really need one, it'#39'll b' +
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  84.               'Don'#39't hesitate to click the Contact tab if we can be of further ' +
  85.               'assistance.'
  86.             ''
  87.             'Roger Hughes, owner & chief developer,'
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  506.             Height = 32
  507.             Caption = 'Which Windows OS?'
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  511.           end
  512.           object OverallPerformanceLabel: TBoxLabel
  513.             Left = 12
  514.             Top = 432
  515.             Width = 448
  516.             Height = 44
  517.             Caption = 
  518.               'On a scale of 1-10, how would you assess Stella'#39's overall perfor' +
  519.               'mance uder your system?'
  520.             TextBorder = 2
  521.             Color = clBtnFace
  522.             ParentColor = False
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  528.             Width = 553
  529.             Height = 47
  530.             Caption = 'Now a little about how you discovered and obtained Stella.'
  531.             TextBorder = 2
  532.             Font.Color = clWhite
  533.             Font.Height = -14
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  540.           object HowDiscoverLabel: TBoxLabel
  541.             Left = 13
  542.             Top = 578
  543.             Width = 272
  544.             Height = 32
  545.             Caption = 'How did Stella first come to your notice?'
  546.             TextBorder = 2
  547.             Color = clBtnFace
  548.             ParentColor = False
  549.           end
  550.           object BoxLabel6: TBoxLabel
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  557.             Color = clBtnFace
  558.             ParentColor = False
  559.           end
  560.           object WhatMediumLabel: TBoxLabel
  561.             Left = 15
  562.             Top = 677
  563.             Width = 272
  564.             Height = 47
  565.             Caption = 'On what medium did you obtain this copy of Stella?'
  566.             TextBorder = 2
  567.             Color = clBtnFace
  568.             ParentColor = False
  569.             WordWrap = True
  570.           end
  571.           object NameMediumSource: TBoxLabel
  572.             Left = 15
  573.             Top = 742
  574.             Width = 272
  575.             Height = 32
  576.             Caption = 'Name of this source:'
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  578.             Color = clBtnFace
  579.             ParentColor = False
  580.           end
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  582.             Left = 14
  583.             Top = 801
  584.             Width = 536
  585.             Height = 32
  586.             Caption = 'Which of these download sites do you use regularly?'
  587.             TextBorder = 2
  588.             Color = clBtnFace
  589.             ParentColor = False
  590.           end
  591.           object FavouriteDLSiteLabel: TBoxLabel
  592.             Left = 14
  593.             Top = 999
  594.             Width = 226
  595.             Height = 32
  596.             Caption = 'Your favourite download site:'
  597.             TextBorder = 2
  598.             Color = clBtnFace
  599.             ParentColor = False
  600.           end
  601.           object BoxLabel7: TBoxLabel
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  603.             Top = 1045
  604.             Width = 226
  605.             Height = 32
  606.             Caption = 'Your favourite search engine:'
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  608.             Color = clBtnFace
  609.             ParentColor = False
  610.           end
  611.           object WhatPCbox: TComboBox
  612.             Left = 305
  613.             Top = 75
  614.             Width = 227
  615.             Height = 24
  616.             ItemHeight = 16
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  618.               '486 DX'
  619.               'Pentium'
  620.               'Pentium MMX'
  621.               'Pentium Pro'
  622.               'Pentium II')
  623.             TabOrder = 0
  624.           end
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  626.             Left = 307
  627.             Top = 118
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  632.               '50  Mhz'
  633.               '66  Mhz'
  634.               '75  Mhz'
  635.               '90  Mhz'
  636.               '100 Mhz'
  637.               '120 Mhz'
  638.               '133 Mhz'
  639.               '166 Mhz'
  640.               '200 Mhz'
  641.               '233 Mhz'
  642.               '300 Mhz'
  643.               '400 Mhz'
  644.               '450 Mhz'
  645.               'faster than 450 Mhz')
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  656.               '12 Mb'
  657.               '16 Mb'
  658.               '32 Mb'
  659.               '48 Mb'
  660.               '64 Mb'
  661.               'More than 64 Mb')
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  672.               '2Mb'
  673.               '4Mb'
  674.               '6Mb'
  675.               '8Mb'
  676.               '16Mb'
  677.               'More than 16Mb')
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  688.               '15"'
  689.               '17"'
  690.               '20"'
  691.               '21"'
  692.               'More than 21"')
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  703.               '800x600'
  704.               '1024x768'
  705.               '1280x1024'
  706.               'Higher than 1280x1024')
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  708.           end
  709.           object HowManyColoursBox: TComboBox
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  716.               '256 colors'
  717.               'HiColor (32000 colors)'
  718.               'TrueColor (16 million colors)')
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  722.             Left = 311
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  726.             ItemHeight = 16
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  729.               'Win 98'
  730.               'Win NT')
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  732.           end
  733.           object OverallPerformanceBox: TComboBox
  734.             Left = 471
  735.             Top = 440
  736.             Width = 83
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  744.               '5'
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  746.               '7'
  747.               '8'
  748.               '9'
  749.               '10')
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  751.           end
  752.           object HowDiscoverBox: TComboBox
  753.             Left = 316
  754.             Top = 581
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  757.             ItemHeight = 16
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  759.               'Magazine'
  760.               'Newsgroup'
  761.               'Newsletter'
  762.               'Internet Search (Alta Vista, Yahoo etc)'
  763.               'Software Search (ZDNet, C|Net etc)'
  764.               'Web page '
  765.               'CD Rom'
  766.               'Word of mouth'
  767.               'other means')
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  769.           end
  770.           object NameSourceBox: TEdit
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  777.           object WhatMediumBox: TComboBox
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  782.             ItemHeight = 16
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  784.               'floppy disk'
  785.               'CD ROM'
  786.               'ftp download '
  787.               'http download ')
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  789.           end
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  796.           end
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  802.             BevelInner = bvRaised
  803.             BevelOuter = bvLowered
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  805.             object RegularSharewareCom: TCheckBox
  806.               Left = 16
  807.               Top = 24
  808.               Width = 166
  809.               Height = 17
  810.               Caption = 'C|Net'#39's Shareware.com'
  811.               TabOrder = 0
  812.             end
  813.             object RegularSoftseek: TCheckBox
  814.               Left = 209
  815.               Top = 24
  816.               Width = 97
  817.               Height = 17
  818.               Caption = 'Softseek'
  819.               TabOrder = 1
  820.             end
  821.             object RegularZDNet: TCheckBox
  822.               Left = 362
  823.               Top = 24
  824.               Width = 166
  825.               Height = 17
  826.               Caption = 'ZDNet Software Library'
  827.               TabOrder = 2
  828.             end
  829.             object RegularDownloadCom: TCheckBox
  830.               Left = 17
  831.               Top = 64
  832.               Width = 171
  833.               Height = 17
  834.               Caption = 'C|Net'#39's Download.com'
  835.               TabOrder = 3
  836.             end
  837.             object RegularRocket: TCheckBox
  838.               Left = 210
  839.               Top = 61
  840.               Width = 148
  841.               Height = 17
  842.               Caption = 'Rocket Download'
  843.               TabOrder = 4
  844.             end
  845.             object RegularFileMine: TCheckBox
  846.               Left = 363
  847.               Top = 61
  848.               Width = 97
  849.               Height = 17
  850.               Caption = 'File Mine'
  851.               TabOrder = 5
  852.             end
  853.             object RegularJunkies: TCheckBox
  854.               Left = 16
  855.               Top = 98
  856.               Width = 166
  857.               Height = 17
  858.               Caption = 'Shareware Junkies'
  859.               TabOrder = 6
  860.             end
  861.             object RegularFilePile: TCheckBox
  862.               Left = 210
  863.               Top = 99
  864.               Width = 97
  865.               Height = 17
  866.               Caption = 'FilePile'
  867.               TabOrder = 7
  868.             end
  869.             object RegularOther: TCheckBox
  870.               Left = 363
  871.               Top = 98
  872.               Width = 97
  873.               Height = 17
  874.               Caption = 'Other sites'
  875.               TabOrder = 8
  876.             end
  877.           end
  878.           object FavouriteDLsiteBox: TEdit
  879.             Left = 251
  880.             Top = 1001
  881.             Width = 298
  882.             Height = 24
  883.             TabOrder = 14
  884.           end
  885.           object FavouriteSearchEnginBox: TComboBox
  886.             Left = 253
  887.             Top = 1047
  888.             Width = 297
  889.             Height = 24
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  892.               'Alta Vista'
  893.               'Yahoo'
  894.               'Infoseek'
  895.               'Infoseek Ultra'
  896.               'WWWW Web Worm'
  897.               'Web Crawler'
  898.               'Hot Bot'
  899.               'Magellan'
  900.               'Goto.com'
  901.               'Search.com'
  902.               'Excite'
  903.               'Other')
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  905.           end
  906.           object Panel13: TPanel
  907.             Left = 2
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  914.               Left = 4
  915.               Top = 17
  916.               Width = 553
  917.               Height = 47
  918.               Caption = 
  919.                 'The Astronomy Software market in general as it relates to Stella' +
  920.                 ' 2000.'
  921.               TextBorder = 2
  922.               Font.Color = clWhite
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  929.             end
  930.             object EvaluatedProductsLabel: TBoxLabel
  931.               Left = 14
  932.               Top = 98
  933.               Width = 533
  934.               Height = 32
  935.               Caption = 
  936.                 'Which of these shareware products have you evaluated in addition' +
  937.                 ' to Stella?'
  938.               TextBorder = 2
  939.               Color = clBtnFace
  940.               ParentColor = False
  941.             end
  942.             object FavouriteSharewareLabel: TBoxLabel
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  944.               Top = 260
  945.               Width = 322
  946.               Height = 32
  947.               Caption = 'Out of these, which is your personal favourite?'
  948.               TextBorder = 2
  949.               Color = clBtnFace
  950.               ParentColor = False
  951.             end
  952.             object WhyFavouriteLabel: TBoxLabel
  953.               Left = 13
  954.               Top = 311
  955.               Width = 189
  956.               Height = 32
  957.               Caption = 'In at least 4 words, why?'
  958.               TextBorder = 2
  959.               Color = clBtnFace
  960.               ParentColor = False
  961.             end
  962.             object ComparisonStellaRateLabel: TBoxLabel
  963.               Left = 12
  964.               Top = 363
  965.               Width = 372
  966.               Height = 32
  967.               Caption = 'In overall comparison with this product, how does Stella rate?'
  968.               TextBorder = 2
  969.               Color = clBtnFace
  970.               ParentColor = False
  971.             end
  972.             object RegisterProductLabel: TBoxLabel
  973.               Left = 12
  974.               Top = 417
  975.               Width = 374
  976.               Height = 32
  977.               Caption = 'Did you, or will you, register this other product?'
  978.               TextBorder = 2
  979.               Color = clBtnFace
  980.               ParentColor = False
  981.             end
  982.             object Panel14: TPanel
  983.               Left = 12
  984.               Top = 141
  985.               Width = 538
  986.               Height = 90
  987.               BevelInner = bvRaised
  988.               BevelOuter = bvLowered
  989.               TabOrder = 0
  990.               object SkyGlobeBox: TCheckBox
  991.                 Left = 17
  992.                 Top = 18
  993.                 Width = 97
  994.                 Height = 17
  995.                 Caption = 'SkyGlobe'
  996.                 TabOrder = 0
  997.               end
  998.               object SkyMapBox: TCheckBox
  999.                 Left = 198
  1000.                 Top = 18
  1001.                 Width = 96
  1002.                 Height = 15
  1003.                 Caption = 'SkyMap'
  1004.                 TabOrder = 1
  1005.               end
  1006.               object CyberskyBox: TCheckBox
  1007.                 Left = 359
  1008.                 Top = 17
  1009.                 Width = 97
  1010.                 Height = 17
  1011.                 Caption = 'Cybersky'
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  1013.               end
  1014.               object MyStarsBox: TCheckBox
  1015.                 Left = 18
  1016.                 Top = 52
  1017.                 Width = 97
  1018.                 Height = 17
  1019.                 Caption = 'MyStars'
  1020.                 TabOrder = 3
  1021.               end
  1022.               object AstronomicaBox: TCheckBox
  1023.                 Left = 197
  1024.                 Top = 53
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  1026.                 Height = 17
  1027.                 Caption = 'Astronomica'
  1028.                 TabOrder = 4
  1029.               end
  1030.               object AstronomyLabBox: TCheckBox
  1031.                 Left = 357
  1032.                 Top = 52
  1033.                 Width = 117
  1034.                 Height = 17
  1035.                 Caption = 'Astronomy Lab'
  1036.                 TabOrder = 5
  1037.               end
  1038.             end
  1039.             object FavouriteSharewareBox: TComboBox
  1040.               Left = 361
  1041.               Top = 263
  1042.               Width = 178
  1043.               Height = 24
  1044.               ItemHeight = 16
  1045.               Items.Strings = (
  1046.                 'Cybersky'
  1047.                 'Home Planet '
  1048.                 'MyStars'
  1049.                 'SkyMap'
  1050.                 'SkyGlobe'
  1051.                 'Astronomica'
  1052.                 'Astronomy Lab'
  1053.                 'Deepsky 95'
  1054.                 'Coeli - Electric Plansisphere')
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  1056.             end
  1057.             object WhyFavouriteBox: TEdit
  1058.               Left = 216
  1059.               Top = 314
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  1061.               Height = 24
  1062.               TabOrder = 2
  1063.             end
  1064.             object ComparisonStellaRateBox: TComboBox
  1065.               Left = 398
  1066.               Top = 366
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  1068.               Height = 24
  1069.               ItemHeight = 16
  1070.               Items.Strings = (
  1071.                 'much better'
  1072.                 'better'
  1073.                 'the same'
  1074.                 'worse'
  1075.                 'much worse')
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  1077.             end
  1078.             object RegisterProductBox: TComboBox
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  1082.               Height = 24
  1083.               ItemHeight = 16
  1084.               Items.Strings = (
  1085.                 'Yes'
  1086.                 'No')
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  1088.             end
  1089.           end
  1090.           object Panel15: TPanel
  1091.             Left = 3
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  1093.             Width = 556
  1094.             Height = 887
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  1096.             TabOrder = 17
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  1098.               Left = 3
  1099.               Top = 11
  1100.               Width = 553
  1101.               Height = 47
  1102.               Caption = 'At last, Stella 2000 itself.'
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  1105.               Font.Height = -14
  1106.               Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
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  1110.               ParentColor = False
  1111.             end
  1112.             object StellaShortcomingLabel: TBoxLabel
  1113.               Left = 7
  1114.               Top = 76
  1115.               Width = 545
  1116.               Height = 32
  1117.               Caption = 'What do you think is Stella'#39's most noticeable shortcoming?'
  1118.               TextBorder = 2
  1119.               Color = clBtnFace
  1120.               ParentColor = False
  1121.             end
  1122.             object StellaBestFeatureLabel: TBoxLabel
  1123.               Left = 6
  1124.               Top = 160
  1125.               Width = 545
  1126.               Height = 32
  1127.               Caption = 'What do you think is Stella'#39's best feature?'
  1128.               TextBorder = 2
  1129.               Color = clBtnFace
  1130.               ParentColor = False
  1131.             end
  1132.             object StellaOneMoreFeatureLabel: TBoxLabel
  1133.               Left = 8
  1134.               Top = 247
  1135.               Width = 545
  1136.               Height = 32
  1137.               Caption = 
  1138.                 'If you could add just ONE more feature to Stella, what would it ' +
  1139.                 'be?'
  1140.               TextBorder = 2
  1141.               Color = clBtnFace
  1142.               ParentColor = False
  1143.             end
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  1145.               Left = 7
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  1147.               Width = 545
  1148.               Height = 32
  1149.               Caption = 
  1150.                 'If you could improve Stella'#39's overall performance in just ONE wa' +
  1151.                 'y, what way would that be?'
  1152.               TextBorder = 2
  1153.               Color = clBtnFace
  1154.               ParentColor = False
  1155.             end
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  1157.               Left = 8
  1158.               Top = 431
  1159.               Width = 322
  1160.               Height = 32
  1161.               Caption = 'Your opinion on Stella'#39's price of $45 :- '
  1162.               TextBorder = 2
  1163.               Color = clBtnFace
  1164.               ParentColor = False
  1165.             end
  1166.             object ForthcomingFeatureLabel: TBoxLabel
  1167.               Left = 6
  1168.               Top = 656
  1169.               Width = 545
  1170.               Height = 53
  1171.               Caption = 
  1172.                 'The following features will be incorporated into forthcoming ver' +
  1173.                 'sions of Stella 2000. Which ONE, in your view, should get priori' +
  1174.                 'ty?'
  1175.               TextBorder = 2
  1176.               Color = clBtnFace
  1177.               ParentColor = False
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  1180.             object PersonalImpressionsLabel: TBoxLabel
  1181.               Left = 4
  1182.               Top = 769
  1183.               Width = 545
  1184.               Height = 53
  1185.               Caption = 
  1186.                 'Please take a moment to write something of your overall *persona' +
  1187.                 'l* impressions of Stella.'
  1188.               TextBorder = 2
  1189.               Color = clBtnFace
  1190.               ParentColor = False
  1191.               WordWrap = True
  1192.             end
  1193.             object StellaShortcomingBox: TEdit
  1194.               Left = 8
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  1197.               Height = 24
  1198.               TabOrder = 0
  1199.             end
  1200.             object StellaBestFeatureBox: TEdit
  1201.               Left = 7
  1202.               Top = 202
  1203.               Width = 540
  1204.               Height = 24
  1205.               TabOrder = 1
  1206.             end
  1207.             object StellaOneMoreFeatureBox: TEdit
  1208.               Left = 8
  1209.               Top = 291
  1210.               Width = 540
  1211.               Height = 24
  1212.               TabOrder = 2
  1213.             end
  1214.             object ImproveOverallPerformanceBox: TEdit
  1215.               Left = 8
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  1218.               Height = 24
  1219.               TabOrder = 3
  1220.             end
  1221.             object OpinionPriceBox: TComboBox
  1222.               Left = 358
  1223.               Top = 434
  1224.               Width = 186
  1225.               Height = 24
  1226.               ItemHeight = 16
  1227.               Items.Strings = (
  1228.                 'far too much'
  1229.                 'too much'
  1230.                 'a little too much'
  1231.                 'about right'
  1232.                 'too little'
  1233.                 'far too little')
  1234.               TabOrder = 4
  1235.             end
  1236.             object Panel16: TPanel
  1237.               Left = 4
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  1240.               Height = 150
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  1249.               object RegisterIfTenDollars: TCheckBox
  1250.                 Left = 17
  1251.                 Top = 27
  1252.                 Width = 501
  1253.                 Height = 17
  1254.                 Caption = '" If Stella cost as little as $10, I would definitely register."'
  1255.                 TabOrder = 0
  1256.               end
  1257.               object PriceNoInfluence: TCheckBox
  1258.                 Left = 18
  1259.                 Top = 66
  1260.                 Width = 524
  1261.                 Height = 17
  1262.                 Caption = 
  1263.                   '" Price doesn'#39't influence me too much:  If a product'#39's good, I'#39'l' +
  1264.                   'l register."'
  1265.                 TabOrder = 1
  1266.               end
  1267.               object SharewareShouldBeFree: TCheckBox
  1268.                 Left = 18
  1269.                 Top = 107
  1270.                 Width = 501
  1271.                 Height = 17
  1272.                 Caption = '" I think all shareware should be free."'
  1273.                 TabOrder = 2
  1274.               end
  1275.             end
  1276.             object ForthcomingFeatureBox: TComboBox
  1277.               Left = 5
  1278.               Top = 720
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  1280.               Height = 24
  1281.               ItemHeight = 16
  1282.               Items.Strings = (
  1283.                 'Asteroids '
  1284.                 'Better font control '
  1285.                 'Graphical lunar phases '
  1286.                 'Detailed planetary perturbations '
  1287.                 'More accurate planetary magnitudes '
  1288.                 'Orrery '
  1289.                 'Milky Way contours '
  1290.                 'Nebula Boundaries '
  1291.                 'DSO symbols '
  1292.                 'Variable star symbols '
  1293.                 'Double star symbols '
  1294.                 'Print preview '
  1295.                 'Higher resolution printing '
  1296.                 'Extra commentary in star reports '
  1297.                 'Field of view circles '
  1298.                 'Control for most popular telescopes '
  1299.                 'More toolbars '
  1300.                 'Adjustable zoom step-size '
  1301.                 'Random slide-show mode for Picture Window '
  1302.                 'Equatorial map mode')
  1303.               TabOrder = 6
  1304.             end
  1305.             object PersonalImpressionsBox: TEdit
  1306.               Left = 6
  1307.               Top = 841
  1308.               Width = 541
  1309.               Height = 24
  1310.               TabOrder = 7
  1311.             end
  1312.           end
  1313.           object Panel17: TPanel
  1314.             Left = 5
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  1317.             Height = 182
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  1320.               Left = 8
  1321.               Top = 11
  1322.               Width = 533
  1323.               Height = 75
  1324.               Caption = 
  1325.                 'By appending my digital signature hereto, I declare that I have ' +
  1326.                 'answered this questionnaire to the best of my ability, both as t' +
  1327.                 'o honesty and completeness.'
  1328.               TextBorder = 2
  1329.               Font.Color = clWhite
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  1338.             object Label2: TLabel
  1339.               Left = 31
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  1341.               Width = 192
  1342.               Height = 16
  1343.               Caption = 'Digital signature (your full name):'
  1344.             end
  1345.             object DigitalSignatureBox: TEdit
  1346.               Left = 253
  1347.               Top = 103
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  1349.               Height = 24
  1350.               TabOrder = 0
  1351.             end
  1352.             object SentSuccessfully: TCheckBox
  1353.               Left = 255
  1354.               Top = 151
  1355.               Width = 134
  1356.               Height = 17
  1357.               Caption = 'Sent successfully'
  1358.               Enabled = False
  1359.               TabOrder = 1
  1360.             end
  1361.           end
  1362.           object Panel18: TPanel
  1363.             Left = 5
  1364.             Top = 2486
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  1366.             Height = 320
  1367.             BevelOuter = bvNone
  1368.             TabOrder = 19
  1369.             object BoxLabel9: TBoxLabel
  1370.               Left = 1
  1371.               Top = 11
  1372.               Width = 553
  1373.               Height = 47
  1374.               Caption = 'Finally, a little about you and the Internet.'
  1375.               TextBorder = 2
  1376.               Font.Color = clWhite
  1377.               Font.Height = -14
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  1384.             object InternetConnectionSpeedLabel: TBoxLabel
  1385.               Left = 3
  1386.               Top = 74
  1387.               Width = 322
  1388.               Height = 32
  1389.               Caption = 'What is the speed of your Internet connection?'
  1390.               TextBorder = 2
  1391.               Color = clBtnFace
  1392.               ParentColor = False
  1393.             end
  1394.             object MailSoftwareLabel: TBoxLabel
  1395.               Left = 5
  1396.               Top = 122
  1397.               Width = 322
  1398.               Height = 32
  1399.               Caption = 'What Mail software do you use?'
  1400.               TextBorder = 2
  1401.               Color = clBtnFace
  1402.               ParentColor = False
  1403.             end
  1404.             object BrowserLabel: TBoxLabel
  1405.               Left = 5
  1406.               Top = 171
  1407.               Width = 322
  1408.               Height = 32
  1409.               Caption = 'Which Web browser do you use?'
  1410.               TextBorder = 2
  1411.               Color = clBtnFace
  1412.               ParentColor = False
  1413.             end
  1414.             object RemarksNotCoveredLabel: TBoxLabel
  1415.               Left = 4
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  1417.               Width = 545
  1418.               Height = 53
  1419.               Caption = 
  1420.                 'If you have any relevant observations or remarks on topics not c' +
  1421.                 'overed in this survey, please type them here.'
  1422.               TextBorder = 2
  1423.               Color = clBtnFace
  1424.               ParentColor = False
  1425.               WordWrap = True
  1426.             end
  1427.             object InternetConnectionSpeedBox: TComboBox
  1428.               Left = 336
  1429.               Top = 77
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  1431.               Height = 24
  1432.               ItemHeight = 16
  1433.               Items.Strings = (
  1434.                 'Modem 14400 '
  1435.                 'Modem 28000'
  1436.                 'Modem 33600'
  1437.                 'Modem 56 k'
  1438.                 'Modem other'
  1439.                 'ISDN'
  1440.                 'Cable')
  1441.               TabOrder = 0
  1442.             end
  1443.             object MailSoftwareBox: TComboBox
  1444.               Left = 338
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  1447.               Height = 24
  1448.               ItemHeight = 16
  1449.               Items.Strings = (
  1450.                 'MS Mail'
  1451.                 'Eudora'
  1452.                 'Pegasus'
  1453.                 'Netscape 2.x'
  1454.                 'Netscape 3.x'
  1455.                 'Netscape Communicator'
  1456.                 'Other - specify')
  1457.               TabOrder = 1
  1458.             end
  1459.             object BrowserBox: TComboBox
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  1537.               'can improve it for you. In this sense your free gift is not real' +
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